Course Description

The best ideas and solutions paint a picture of a future that others can see, others can feel. They allow us to envision that future state and think, “life will be better when we get there!” Well-articulated ideas and solutions outline a clear call for action, some specific first steps we can take together to start down a new pathway. When our ideas and solutions address complex issues, clear pictures of destinations and pathways can be difficult to communicate.

That’s why we offer CommPlexity, a series of powerful learning experiences that will equip you to clearly communicate complex issues and your ideas, solutions, and strategies for addressing them. CommPlexity is based on a proven methodology developed by organizational consultant Bob Sadler. We are thankful for Bob’s expertise and gracious generosity in helping us develop CommPlexity.

These learning experiences are designed especially for leaders who work in science, technology, sales, economic development, government, social change, and other complex fields. Here are some of the situations in which the competencies learned in a CommPlexity workshop have been effectively applied:

  • A researcher presents findings or makes an appeal for funding
  • A tech entrepreneur pitches a business plan
  • An economic development professional shares a strategy for regional growth
  • An IT manager implements a new solution across the enterprise
  • A government leader explains a new policy initiative
  • A civic leader builds new networks for complex collaborations

We are excited to offer a one of the CommPlexity modules.

Course Structure

This is a self-paced course where you get access to the instructional videos, worksheets, etc. You will be able to view the content and use materials on your own.

Course curriculum

  • 1
  • 2

    02 - Discussion Question

    • Discussion Question

  • 3

    03 - Stories and our Brain

    • Video One - Stories and our Brains

  • 4

    04 - The Shape of Stories

    • The Shape of Stories - Kurt Vonnegut

  • 5

    05 - The CommPlexity Spectrum

    • Video 2: The ABT Story Structure

  • 6

    06 - The ABT Story Structure at Work

    • The ABT Story Structure at Work

  • 7

    07 - Practice the ABT Story Structure

    • Practice the ABT Story Structure

    • ABT Story Structure Worksheet